Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hi there I am a big horn sheep and I live in the desert it has been very bad there my family and friends have been killed for disease, and habitat loss due to urban development.

Peninsular bighorn sheep have been listed under the California State Endangered Species  but they continued to decline despite management plans, research, habitat acquisition, and the establishment of ecological reserves. A disease epizootic followed by several years of low recruitment resulted in a vast population decline within the U.S. In the 1990's, heavy mountain lion predation accompanied by variable lamb recruitment rates continued to suppress bighorn populations. While predation is not typically a concern for healthy bighorn populations, it can severely impact those already debilitated by disease, habitat loss, or low numbers.

 Habitat loss for Peninsular bighorn sheep has occurred at an alarming rate. Over 15 golf courses or residential developments are currently proposed or approved for construction within Peninsular bighorn habitat in the Coachella Valley I hope one day we wil live safe and be happy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

energy to city

There are different ways to power a city for example nuclear power and wind energy. They come at a cost when in use. The environment is something that is to be effected by the use of many harmful sources like nuclear energy and petroleum. There are also many problems with money when it comes to petroleum and security. Both energy decisions and ecological footprints are a part of ecology due to the fact that certain items from the ecosystem are used and how they effect the environment

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Predator: any carnivorous animal
parasitism: type of non mutual relationship between organisms of different species
Mutualism: the way 2 organisms of different species biologically interact in a relationship in which each individual derives a fitness benefit
commensalism: 2 different species of plant or animal living in close association, 1 species benefits without harming the other

Thursday, March 15, 2012

ecology food web

In the food web trees and plants make up the base of the food web because they are producers. For example the plants is eaten by rabbit,deer,grasshopper then later on these animals are the producers for other animals such as the hawk and the fox eat the rabbit,the grasshopper is eaten by a mouse and bird, this is an example of ecology food web 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Natural Selection

Natural Selection is a process by which become either more or less common in a function of differential reproduction of their bearers. The mutations do occur to produce brand new alleles that improve organisms chances of survival in a particular environment. Natural selection never affects the genotypes since it is already fixed the genotype combination can never be altered.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Should cloning research be regulated?

My opinion: I think cloning research shouldn't be regulated because cloning can be harmful to the world.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

different types of mutations

NONSENSE MUTATIONS: a nonsense mutation, the new nucleotide changes a codon that specified an amino acid to one of the stop codons (TAATAG, or TGA). Therefore, translation of the messenger RNA transcribed from this mutant gene will stop prematurely. The earlier in the gene that this occurs, the more truncated the protein product and the more likely that it will be unable to function.

INSERTION: occur when extra DNA is added into an existing gene

mutations result from either addition or deletion of one or two nucleotide bases. When this occurs the reading frame is changed so that all the codons read after the mutation are incorrect, even though the bases themselves may be still present.
POINT MUTATIONS: are small changes often in a single nucleotide base.
TRANSLOCATIONS: are the transfer of a piece of one chromosome to a nonhomolougus chromosomes. Translocations are often reciprocal; that is, the two nonhomologues swap 
  • the break may occur within a gene destroying its function
  • translocated genes may come under the influence of different promoters and enhancers so that their expression is altered. 
  • the breakpoint may occur within a gene creating a hybrid gene. This may be transcribed and translated into a protein with an N-terminal of one normal cell protein coupled to the C-terminal of another. The Philadelphia chromosome found so often in the leukemic cells of patients with  (CML) is the result of a translocation which produces a compound gene (bcr-abl).
SENSE MUTATIONS:A mutation that changes a termination  codon into one that codes for an amino acid. Such a mutation results in an elongated protein. 

DELETION MUTATIONS: result in missing DNA are called deletions. These can be small, such as the removal of just one "word," or longer deletions that affect a large number of genes on the chromosome. Deletions can also cause frameshift mutations. In this example, the deletion eliminated the word cat.